Saturday, January 22, 2005

Cold Snap

Toronto has a cold snap today. I had just fled the Buffalo cold snap earlier in the week, and now it's snowing here. Oh, well. I am busy anyway, reading In Amazonia: A Natural History, by Hugh Raffles. I'll tell you about it when I'm done. It's good to sit inside, drink coffee, and watch the snow blow past the window.
Earlier, I discovered that we had no coffee. This was, of course, an emergency situation. So, I put on the big boots we share and trudged down the street to the White Corner Convenience Store. The Korean store owner was as nice as can be, as usual. Two other men were in the store, both of whom were middle-aged, and both of whom wanted The New York Times. Apparently, it is still the paper of record in Toronto, regardless of their recent internal problems.
Now, Claire is listening to Air and cleaning the apartment.

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